' The Rules And Such ,

' The Rules And Such ,
Riding Lessons BY ( Moderator Aofie ) ON Apr 16, 2024 3:03:34 GMT

This is where you go first. Here lie the rules, read them, memorise them and obey them.

Spotlight Nominations BY NIKOLAI ALEXI DONOVAN ON Jun 1, 2024 11:55:06 GMT

Important announcements and updates to the site will be posted here. Keep you eye out for these, because they could be anything from "Omg new layout!" to "We're gonna go ahead and delete all inactive players."

Beau Lumen Ashcroft [wip] BY BEAU LUMEN ASHCROFT ON Jul 9, 2024 18:40:31 GMT

Once you've read the rules, and you're ready to create a character, you come here to create your character. Please use the application's provided. If accepted, your character will then be moved.

Jessica Leigh Phillips BY ( ADMIN CLIPSEYS ) ON Sept 23, 2024 17:21:58 GMT

All accepted applications will be moved here.

This is where you can claim things for your character - anything from AIM sign up's, to face claims, to locker claims at school. Find them all here.

' In Character Chat ,

' In Character Chat ,
Primrose - Horse Race BY LEONARDO SAMUEL WHITE ON Oct 14, 2024 21:18:15 GMT

For any site-wide events, please check this board out! Location will be advised in threads but to avoid cluttering normal boards with multiple threads, this is where most of the site-wide plots will be put.

ICC - Box BY ( co-admin shadow ) ON May 7, 2010 8:19:17 GMT

Here is where the ICC is held. Rules and conditions are housed inside, as with the link itself.

This is the time capsule. Sometimes there's scenes from your character's past that maybe you don't understand the details of, or a meeting you want to have happened between yours and someone else's characters .. well here is where you can do it -- go back to any time in your characters life and Rp things out. Have fun.

B(romance), Danny S. x Aspen BY DANIEL CALLUM SUMNER ON Sept 28, 2024 19:49:50 GMT

This is where you go to communicate with other people's characters. Yes, things in here are done IC. Basically, there's AIM and Journals and Facebook and such.

' Seven Oak Stables ,

' Seven Oak Stables ,

Just on the outskirts of town, a little drive out of the way, lies the main house where Lily lives with her husband, brothers and their girlfriends and of course the dogs. It's a beautiful grand, traditional looking house, with a garden that adjoins the back field of the stables.

Natural Horsemanship Signups BY ( Moderator Aofie ) ON Apr 11, 2024 17:38:04 GMT

This is the office, where Lily does most of the paperwork and sorts out lessons and such. If you're looking for something - perhaps to start riding, loaning a horse, boarding a horse, looking for a job or perhaps you want to put an advert up..then come here and someone'll be here to help!

This is the barn, it's a magnificent wooden structure with fifty spacious loose boxes equiped with automatic water dispensers. It's always kept neat and tidy in the barn, and the doors are locked from eleven pm to six am.

These are the fields, there several of them to split the mares from the stallions, but each field is vast, stretching out for several acres with shelters in case of rain.

These are the arena's, they're set a little bit out of the way from the yard to allow some peace from the hustle and bustle of the yard. They're smoothed over every evening and jumps are kept tucked away within the corners..remember to put them away after you use them!

This is the tack and feed room, tack is kept in neat, labelled rows and the feed is well stocked in labelled feed bins. Make sure you keep the place tidy and remember to clean your tack every now and then!

This is the breeding barn, where stallions offered for stud and broadmares are boarded. It's a top of the range barn with it's own couple of paddocks for the newborn foals and their dam's to be put out to grass until the foal is old enough to be moved to the regular barn.

These are the trails. There are several different paths that will take you off to different places - from a woodland ride, to one that'll lead right to a little secluded beach. Take your pick and enjoy the ride...be careful of the weather though, and the wildlife!

' The Show Grounds ,

' The Show Grounds ,

This is the administrator board.. all shows will be posted here so that you can see what's up and coming and sign up. Ensure you check here for stats on who won the recent shows too!

This is the warm up ring, make sure you come here before you go into the main ring so you have a chance to warm your horse up! It's an outdoor arena, quite vast so there's plenty of space, with a few jumps of various heights set up in the centre.

These are the showgrounds! There are regular shows held here during spring-autumn so make sure you sign up for them so you can participant! Horses and Riders obtain points for every show they place in, and at the end of the showing season, the one's with the most points will win a prize!

' Blue Acre Stables ,

' Blue Acre stables ,

A large, modern house just off-set from the yard and overlooking the rings. It's hidden from sight by a towering perimeter hedge (neatly trimmed of course). Here is where Naomi Clarke lives.

Learning the Ropes [Naomi x Sage] BY NAOMI EMILY CLARKE ON Sept 12, 2024 8:15:13 GMT

Blue Acre office. It's a reasonably large and spacious room, filled with trophies, rosettes and winning pictures. It's neat and tidy, with filling cabinets stacked against walls and a large, expensive mahogany desk to one side for the receptionist to work.

An equally impressive, great american barn, with enough stables to house half of england. The place is kept meticulously tidy, with each large stable equipped with a hay rack and automatic drinker. At the back is even a wash area for the horses.

The hay loft is what is says on the tin, however it is not simply an area about the stables for storing hay. On the other side of the loft is a chill out area for the riders, where a couple of sofa's, a working fridge and a few extra chairs, tables and creature comforts have been arranged. Perfect for a place to hang up your hat and relax after a days ride.

Kept tidy at all times, the tack and feed room is split between the two functions. On the one side the tack is found, all labelled correctly and each piece of tack hung up neatly and correctly. On the other side you will find the feed, where the types of feed are kept in different feed bins and like the tack, all neatly labelled.

Down, but not Out (open) BY OTHELLO JULIUS BUSKIRK ON Sept 19, 2024 8:15:10 GMT

Each being several acres in size and rolling out to the horizon, the pastures are rotated in order to ensure the best grass is available all year around. The mares, geldings and stallions are all separated, and the fencing is well maintained and often re-painted.

Ambling in Circles (open) BY ANGÉL JASMINE PETIT ON Sept 20, 2024 8:35:24 GMT

Both indoor and outdoor, both arenas are Olympic in size, and each contain full sets of matching jump wings and poles. These are cleared away after use and each morning both schools are raked thoroughly in order to ensure the surfaces remain smooth.

One of the best in the country, the course offers three different heights of each obstacle and ranges in complexity depending on your level of riding. It's perfect for everyone and the jumps are well maintained to ensure they remain in perfect condition.

' The Town ,

' The Town ,

This is Echo Valley park... a beautiful scenic place where most come to take time out of their lives for a simple walk. It's a little cold in winter, but in spring, summer and autumn it's simply beautiful.

The main street, the center of town, where all the cool kids come to play and where you can buy an array of different products from a bunch of different stores. If you want to shop local, this is the place to be!

The Luna Lounge - a place that provides both good food, and good entertainment. It's a nice restaurant with helpful, friendly staff, and almost every night there'll be a singer or perhaps a comedian. If you're interested in applying to try and entertain then please consult the owner.

Tiger and Bunny || Leona x River BY RIVER ARLO BLOOM ON Jun 16, 2024 8:05:27 GMT

The only nightclub in town..but it's a good one at least. You've got to be 18 or above to enter on most night - but on Thursdays there's an under 18 night .. no alcohol but still. It's a great place, with good music, plenty of space to dance and decent priced drinks.

Welcome to Parker's Pastries! It's the best bakery in Hickstead, and it does everything from cakes and cookies to rolls and bread. It's a friendly place, owned by Tristan's wife, Hazel Parker.

Pizza Express! The number one place to go to for pizza! They have every kind of pizza you could imagine, and there's always a great atmosphere and good service.

And all those cats! (Ila x Jamie) BY Ila Ruth James ON May 27, 2024 13:42:06 GMT

This is the pet shop! It not only houses pets that were born to be sold here, but also unwanted, abandonned pets that have been left here are also up for sale, and so be awear of that should you come to buy an animal here.

The tack store - quite obviously a place that sells tack! It sells everything from rugs, to sad pads, saddles, bridles and riding clothes..there's even a section for other pet needs just as dog food and leads, and cat food.

The vets..every town's got to have one. They're very efficient, with good surgeons and nurses who deeply care for the animals. They're open 24 hours in case of emergency.

Enjoying the sunshine (OPEN) BY ROISIN ABIGAIL MALLOY ON Apr 28, 2024 6:21:51 GMT

The town pool.. decent enough - it's a good size, and there's recliners around the edge for people to sunbathe. It often gets busy in summer with all the children splashing about..but there's always lifeguards at hand to keep things in check.

This is the gym.. it's a pretty well done up place, with state of the art equipment and excellent facilities. You have to sign up to go here, but it's definitely worth the money..and there are several personal trainers to help you.

The local movie theatre...it's only small but they always show the latest movies and the popcorns great. It's a little tucked away on the edge of town, but if you know its there then you can't forget it!

This is the hospital, if you have any kind of problem or are worried about your health then come here.. the doctors and nurses are fully trained and efficient.

Wax On, Wax Off [Mason] BY RONAN DAIRE SLADE ON Oct 10, 2023 5:56:35 GMT

This is the fire station, placed a few miles outside of the main town but not too far. It's a reasonably large place with three fire trucks and hard working men. If you ever have a fire emergency you know to come here!

i'm so tired // blaise BY BLAISE RASHEL TURNER ON Nov 27, 2023 14:39:38 GMT

This is the police station, it's a little old fashioned in look but it's got the mod cons inside. There are a couple of jail cells but it's not a huge place... still, be careful because if you break the jaw you could end up in one of them!

This is the local garage, and the home of the only mechanics in town. They's a good lot, and they'll fix your car right up quickly, efficiently and not too expensively either!

Welcome to Hollow Ink, Hickstead's very own tattoo parlour, situated just on the edge of town. It's owned by Felicity Hollow and you can come here for all your tattoo and piercing wants and needs!


Welcome to Spark's Kennels - home to the Spark's family and now run by Beth Spark's along with a couple of helpful hands. They take in abandoned dogs for re-homing or offer boarding for people wishing to go on holiday and leave their dogs in good care. The converted barn is top of the range and everything's kept in good order.

The sales yard, a place where anyone can come to sell or buy a horse. It's a pretty decent place - the horses are well cared for, and most of the handlers are kind hearted, nice people. Don't forget to PM an admin once you've finished a sales thread.

The farmers market - a great place to buy everything from food to wool... it's held every Thursday and if you'd like your own stall then speak to the manager.


Beware the abandoned warehouse! It might look like an intriguing place to wander upon but it's claimed by a terrible gang who will stop at nothing to get you off their property. Watch out if you venture close..

'The Outskirts,

'The Outskirts,

If it didn't look creepy enough, legend says that a group of witches call these woods home. Of course that's total poppycock, however it doesn't explain the strange sounds and shadowy figures skulking about that sometimes haunt the trees in the dead of night. it's a common rite of passage among the local children and teens to spend the night camping under the canopy of the trees.

Open Sands Beach is a beautiful little beach. It's only small, and unfortunately it's more pebbles than stand but it's still lovely scenery, and a glorious place to spend a day out in summer.

There are acres and acres of land, much of which is farmland. But also houses smaller, but still competitive barns. It's where multiple families and generations have made their name.

Home to the widest variety of nature, the zoo is a great place for a family outing, someone to go on there own or even a school trip. The animals here are always friendly, and the keepers and wardens make sure everything runs smoothly.

Wayward Souls [Tori x Raleigh] BY VICTORIA SUE GRECO ON Jul 14, 2024 4:42:34 GMT

Welcome to Hickstead airport. It's not exactly the largest airport in the country but it's a decent enough size, with aeroplanes flying out all over the world, to America or Australia .. or anywhere you want to go really.

Willow Bridge city..a beautiful city which is home to pretty much whatever isn't in town. You have to cross the bridge to get there, but it's larger than Seven Oaks Town and there's more variety of shops.

' The University Campus ,

' The University Campus ,
University Rules BY ( ADMIN CLIPSEYS ) ON Dec 6, 2010 20:26:02 GMT

Seven Oaks University - renowned for it's high standards and state of the art equipment. It may appear old fashioned from the outside but inside is quite modern. It's a little out of the way so it takes time to get into town, but it's beautiful and a great uni.

This is the university cafeteria. It's very spacious and there's good food, but it gets very busy at meal times so watch out. Mind where you sit too - some groups of friends will claim their tables, and you don't want to get on their bad side.

These are the university grounds, they stretch far and wide and are very scenic. The grounds include fields for sports such as football, rugby and rounders, with a tennis court and also stables seperated off.

The dorms - seperate rooms for girls and boys of course. They're state of the art, with plenty of space and a large lounge-kitchen area for eating and relaxing. Some rooms are shared, some are seperate.

This is the sports hall, where all the indoor sports happen - or where any sports happen when it's raining. Mostly, basketball, trampolining, netball and atheletic sports are played in here.. but there's no set protocall.

This is the first floor corridor..nothing much of interest to be honest. Window's line the wall and along here you'll mostly find all the language classes and sociology and such.


This is the second floor corridor..much like the first floor it's pretty bland..there are some works or art and writing posts up on the walls and generally the classrooms along here are scienses and maths and such.

' Graphics ,

' Graphics ,
creating your own graphix studio BY ( ADMIN CLIPSEYS ) ON Mar 15, 2009 19:13:57 GMT

This is where you can sign up for a graphix studio. If you have a talent with an electronic paintbrush, then fill out the form, and if your good, your own studio will be set up.


This is where all the admin's graphix go. They're testers for caution 2.0 so if you want to use them, YOU MUST PM THE ADMIN. If you're seen using them without permission you WILL be in trouble.


Where Aofie houses her custom and personal codes. If you would like a custom one, please reach out! Always keep her credit!


Where the codes that match the site can be found. They are not required, but are available for those that want to use them!

' Chit Chat And All That ,

' Chit Chat And All That ,
Out for 2.5 days BY ( ADMIN CLIPSEYS ) ON Apr 7, 2024 11:40:23 GMT

This is the chat board. You can do anything in here - talk about your life or post pictures or whatnot. You can even do a bit of random in character chat if you fancy it. Just please no ooc fighting.


games! games! and more games! they can be both in character and out of character. But please keep them PG!

Forums and Dragons BY Bard of Lore ON Oct 14, 2024 4:44:56 GMT

If you want to advertise, then come on in here. Feel free to bump or double post your adverts, have no fear we don't mind! All hosts and site genres accepted!!